Soccer 2022 Event Feedback (2024)


FOE Team

Community Manager

  • May 31, 2022
  • #1

You can post your thoughts about the Soccer 2022 Event here.

Learn more about the event in this topic.

Thank you.

Stay Rita

Active Member
  • Jun 1, 2022
  • #2

cool bullding i woud love to have a mill in my city!

Just An Observer

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 1, 2022
  • #3

Will the Fan Shop be available?

Kranyar the Mysterious

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 1, 2022
  • #4

Just An Observer said:

Will the Fan Shop be available?

Really? That's the building you are most worried about? They pop up constantly in the AD for really cheap, so that is probably the best source if you really want some.

Just An Observer

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 1, 2022
  • #5

Really? That's the building you are most worried about? They pop up constantly in the AD for really cheap, so that is probably the best source if you really want some.

I rarely see them. One more is needed to set up a group of ten. Why is the Fan Shop important to me? During event quests, one runs across the need to produce supplies from a present era production building. Fan Shops go up in 20 seconds as I recall but only playing one means a long wait to do the quest. I also can use a Storage box to hold and then replace the Fan Shop when a quest asks for one to build a production building for one's current age. As an additional bonus, one also gets more supplies than the Blacksmith offers.

So, can you or anyone else answer my original question?

Stay Rita

Active Member
  • Jun 1, 2022
  • #6

Just An Observer said:

I rarely see them. One more is needed to set up a group of ten. Why is the Fan Shop important to me? During event quests, one runs across the need to produce supplies from a present era production building. Fan Shops go up in 20 seconds as I recall but only playing one means a long wait to do the quest. I also can use a Storage box to hold and then replace the Fan Shop when a quest asks for one to build a production building for one's current age. As an additional bonus, one also gets more supplies than the Blacksmith offers.

So, can you or anyone else answer my original question?

hes not going to respond well said

Kranyar the Mysterious

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 2, 2022
  • #7

Just An Observer said:

So, can you or anyone else answer my original question?

They didn't show up in the event on beta, so not likely to show up on live.

Fan shop is a 2x3, same size as Magnum Opus which gives fp when not doing quests or challenges if you leave them out. The upcoming Insect Hotel is even better, but it will be rare for awhile. But if you remove them between I guess it doesn't matter.


Active Member
  • Jun 2, 2022
  • #8

LeCron said:

You can post your thoughts about the Soccer 2022 Event here.

Learn more about the event in this topic.

Thank you.

Of all the events that INNO offers this has got to be the very worse! And everytime you offer it is just gets more worse.
Last year I thought we had gotten rid of those annoying player cards but now they are back and this year it has really hit rock bottom.


FOE Team

Community Manager

  • Jun 2, 2022
  • #9

Of all the events that INNO offers this has got to be the very worse! And everytime you offer it is just gets more worse.
Last year I thought we had gotten rid of those annoying player cards but now they are back and this year it has really hit rock bottom.

Thank you for sharing your feelings with us, and I'm sorry you're upset and/or frustrated about this event.

What would you recommend to make it better?


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 2, 2022
  • #10

Great art! (as always)

Maybe you guys can make a building for the next forge bowl event similar to the fiore village, but the houses are white with blue domes! (Like in Santorini)

Soccer 2022 Event Feedback (11)


Active Member
  • Jun 2, 2022
  • #11

Can we change players in the training phase or are we stuck with them?

Ebeondi Asi

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #12

The main issue for me is the main event building. It is no better than what I already have filling my city and have in storage. So I have zero need for one more building to sell in the AD. The few bits of stuff for Daily, and the difficulty of getting the one or two I might want...? So i have little interest in playing an Event that is not improving my city! (Same problem as last Event.)

What I see in the attempt to avoid "Power Creep" Inno has thrown the baby out with the bath water. And I have to say I cannot be the only person with no reason to play the event due to nothing worth chasing?. The last event was exactly the same. no reason to play. And the next? Only one building in it as daily to go for. ??
So the worry over Power Creep saves me a bundle. Since my Venus Era cities are as full as it can be, and I have all the stuff in storage I can fill expansions for the next Era (SAJM)
So as a "whale' I am turning into another 'minnow'from lack of anything to spend on! But again I save a lot of real cash ! (Then Inno is chasing revenue through ads? when they are at the same time ignoring player cash from players who used to spend a lot. Although if Inno has a bunch of Events for newer players, and at least two in a year for long time players, I would not complain.
And long time players have no need to worry, since new players can't just buy a better city (anymore) .LOL

Last edited:

Just An Observer

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #13

Since I was looking for Sentinel stuff plus some WP2's, this event strikes me as a very good one to accumulate them. It is similar in style to the Football event minus the coach who can boost the percentage when going for the Daily Special. For more advanced players who Have It All In Place, then we can see this event offers little since the main prize is a slightly weaker version of the Wheels. At least newer players can make some use of this main event building while the rest of us get a lot from the AD for the pieces.

I was up at the start. 2 hours later all 35 quests had been done. A change of prizes for doing matches yielded the WP deal. I went full bore on that. For around 6K Diamonds, the quests were done and 19 WP packages were picked up. Add in the FP's and other goodies to see I was quite happy with the haul this morning. Now I await the Sentinel stuff to show up.

My only regret is hearing no Fan Shops showed up in the beta version. I just need one more! This building should be an easily won prize considering this is the Soccer Cup.

Kranyar the Mysterious

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #14

It's not a bad main building at all in my opinion. It has attack and fp, so I'll find someplace to fit it in with a few Olive Tree Paths.


Active Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #15

For the most part the event is the same as in the past: save energy drinks for a good daily, spend tournament tickets as you get them. Prizes are good enough, so overall it's fine. The issue is with the tournament, which has changed from before, imo for the worse.

Match results are now 100% fixed and the matchup mechanic has changed. I suppose the fixed results will make some players happy though really that could have just been tweaked so the chances of winning/losing a lopsided matchup were not ~1/3. The change in the matchup mechanic, combined with the fixed results is bad. The position being stronger/weaker vs. other positions from previous versions was better, now it's equal or a -2 penalty. I would rather see even, +1, and -1 depending on position. Also I think that, with predetermined results, there should be some real ability to strategize on the lineup and that just isn't possible with the 6 player lineup (and the -2 penalty). Personally I'd like to see 10 v 10 (no goalie) with the makeup being player determined using the 0, +1, -1 matching (auto would be top 3 each position plus the strongest 4th).

The opposition pairing, as with previous iterations, is bad. It's possible the above change may help with it, but I've really no idea how to fix it. From what I can tell the pairings are based on team strength, which seems to make sense except that it means there is no incentive to push your players because as they get stronger you just get paired against stronger opponents and your odds of winning don't really change. The middle match is similar strength and you've got about a 50/50 chance, the top is stronger and you have maybe a 5% chance, and the bottom is weaker, and there seems to be at least a 95% chance to win there (maybe 100%). None of those chances changes in a meaningful way by making your team stronger since your opposition just shifts as a result--that may be different at extremes, but not sure as I'm not likely to be either in the strongest or weakest 1% (or 5% tbh).

Another way to maybe improve the matchup would be to not have player cards be random but position distribution to be random and you could level up players as you chose, but with a much larger increase in the number of points to get to higher levels as a player develops. e.g. you get 10 cards: 4 green, 4 blue 2 red and you can assign those as points to your players. Current setup would likely mean piling into 1-2 players but maybe if the benefit to leveling a player up for the training side were better then that would incentivize a different mix as the players there show up semi-random.

tl;dr: mostly same as last year, "training" section is like many events, buildings are fine, "tournament" is terrible.


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #16

The tournament has been greatly improved. No more broken "rock/paper/scissors". Now, you can see how each game is matched up. I have noticed the following:
when it says you lose, YOU LOSE. When it says you tie, YOU TIE. I accidently tested it. Instead of pressing the exit button, I pressed start match. I have no idea why but I did, for lose and tie.
Ties are interesting. I didn't check when I accidentally hit start but I think you get the league points (full amount - guessing here) but you get a reduced chest, DS = 5% vs Easy DS = 7% AND 5 random cards @ 10% vs Easy 10 random cards @15%. I am comparing to the Easy chest bcs I didnt see any wins for the Hard chest (2 worlds - probably 40 tickets).
I think playing cards will be somewhat important, enough to keep you out of ties.


New Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #17

I'm writing to express my disappointment in the 2022 Soccer Cup, specifically the mathematics or algorithms the AI uses to determine opponents in the Tournament Games. Having played the event last year, and having researched more about this event, I decided this year to spend significant diamonds to improve my team power and therefore my rewards in this event. Amassing player cards very early in the event was my intention. I purchased two packages of 200 player cards each spending 2600 diamonds. I finished all 34 Rush Quests collecting many many Player Cards along the way. I exhausted my sport drinks in the training games collecting more player cards. Doing this all on day 1 of the event was to ensure that my team power is significantly higher than most players, therefore allowing me to compete and win regularly against the highest level of opponent in the tournament matches. I spent 2600 diamonds to get here.

Now here, I find that I cannot compete with the highest opponent regularly, nor really at all. I am severely under matched against every level 1 opponent I'm offered. The overwhelming advantage my level 1 opponent has over my team makes it silly to even try to compete against that kind of competition.

Bottom line: I spent 2600 diamonds to improve my event ability and I have nothing to show for it. I completed over a dozen Tournament Matches against the level 2 opponent today alone, winning them all, and have won zero Daily Specials (Windmill Farmlands). The matchups have dictated that I compete every time against the level 2 tournament opponent for the level 2 reward chest. IMO my 2600 diamonds were wasted, providing nothing in return. I could play and win against the level 2 opponent without spending a single diamond. I'm disappointed that game mechanics are set up this way, to not reward diamonds being spent. My level 1 opponents on average are 20 power points stronger than my team. Less than 3% of players in my world are this strong yet those are the only opponents that I get matched against. Lesson learned, I guess. Be careful not to waste diamonds on events....


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #18

The Gentiana windmill gives more fp, more goods, and more atk def than the Olympic treasury!
Why do y'all hate it so much???

Pericles the Lion

Well-Known Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #19

spartacus2.0 said:

The Gentiana windmill gives more fp, more goods, and more atk def than the Olympic treasury!
Why do y'all hate it so much???

Depends on Era. GW is 25% in SAJM, OT is 30%


Well-Known Member
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • #20

Pericles the Lion said:

Depends on Era. GW is 25% in SAJM, OT is 30%

If both of them are in the same era it gives more atk def obviously...

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Soccer 2022 Event Feedback (2024)


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