Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (2024)

Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win?

You can obtain immediate, temporary and permanent rewards in the Battlegrounds. There's a chance to obtain Forge Points, units, coins or supplies, goods, diamonds, as well as other items, after each fight or negotiation. The magnitude of these rewards depends on your league! Your guild should gain temporary prestige points according to its current league, but keep in mind that you can also lose them likewise when dropping in the league!

Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (1)
Lastly, we also have permanent rewards for you and your guild: Guilds can get guild power according to their placement within a battleground (the amount also scales according to the league), and simultaneously you can also win fragments of selection kits for powerful buildings to be able to place within your city!

Special Diamond League Rewards

Tower of Champions

Let us start with the most powerful addition – the Tower of Champions! This building is a Championship reward, specific to the Diamond Leagues. Not only that, the new Championship rewards have been designed with rotation in mind, so after every Championship you might see an updated reward and the chance to get the one you wanted might be gone!

Tower of Champions Lv.1Tower of Champions Lv.1
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (2)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (3)
  • 12-50% Attack and Defense for Attacking and Defending Armies in Guild Battlegrounds only
  • 36-103% Attack and Defense for Attacking and Defending Armies in Guild Expeditions only
  • 18 Forge Points
  • 100 Guild Goods
  • Does not require a road connection
  • 23-80% Attack and Defense for Attacking and Defending Armies in Guild Battlegrounds only
  • 55-155% Attack and Defense for Attacking and Defending Armies in Guild Expeditions only
  • 40 Forge Points
  • 400 Guild Goods
  • Does not require a road connection

The challenge to get the Tower of Champions is truly not easy. Win at least FIVE Diamond League Battlegrounds in a Championship to get enough Fragments to unlock level 2 of the brand new Tower of Champions! Place 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the Diamon league and get 3000, 1500 or 500 fragments to a Tower of Champions selection kit (7500 required).

The Tourney Grounds

That's not all though! For every Diamond League Battleground battle or negotiation, you have a chance to receive Fragments of the new limited building – the Tourney Grounds!

The Tourney Grounds

Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (4)
Active for: 14 days
  • 30-125% Attack and Defense for Attacking and Defending Armies in Guild Battlegrounds only
  • 73-207% Attack and Defense for Attacking and Defending Armies in Guild Expeditions only
  • Does not require a road connection

Map specific Rewards

1- Volcano Archipelago Map Rewards

Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (5)
On the Volcano Archipelago, you will win fragments to build The Statue Of Honor, and the Road Of Victory chain element!

Statue of Honor - Lv. 1
Statue of Honor - Lv. 2
Statue of Honor - Lv. 3
Statue of Honor - Lv. 4
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (6)
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (7)
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (8)
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (9)
Statue of Honor - Lv. 5
Statue of Honor - Lv. 6
Statue of Honor - Lv. 7
Statue of Honor - Lv. 8
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (10)
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (11)
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (12)
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (13)
Road Of Victory
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (14)
Once connected:
  • 5 Random Goods
  • 5% defense boost for the attacking army

Guild Rewards
When a battleground ends, guilds may obtain various rewards which depend on placement:

  • Prestige according to current league and placement;
  • Guild Power according to placement within a battleground
  • Fragments of the Statue of Honor

Personal Rewards
Apart from rewards for your guild, there are also individual rewards, whenever you contribute by fighting or negotiating, there is a chance to win some Forge Points, Goods, units, coins or even Diamonds.

2 - Waterfall Archipelago Map Rewards

Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (15)
On the Waterfall Archipelago, you will win fragments to build The Great Elephant and Iridescent Garden Chain Decoration!

Great Elephant - Lv. 1Great Elephant Lv. 2Great Elephant Lv. 3Great Elephant Lv. 4
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (16)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (17)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (18)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (19)
Great Elephant - Lv. 5Great Elephant Lv. 6Great Elephant Lv. 7
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (20)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (21)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (22)

On its eighth and final level, you will meet a choice. A choice which reflects the variety of roles the elephant has held throughout the ages. Will you choose to employ your Great Elephant in battle, trade, or support? With these three brancheable choices; the decision is very much in your hands!

Elephant's RoyaltyThe Elephant's BazaarThe Elephant's Citadel
Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (23)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (24)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (25)
Unimaginable wealth awaits you with this choice! Receive an improved coin production bonus and increased Forge Points.You are a trader by nature and also a team player! Receive increased Goods in your Guilds treasury!Forget the others, it is about the attacking boost! It is time to ride into battle with the increase attacking bonus for your attacking armies. You will not be stopped!

Yet, that is not all you can win from a successful campaign! You can construct one of three possible appearances for the building, and bolster the stats of your Great Elephant!

Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (26)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (27)Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (28)
Once connected:
  • Happiness
  • Defensive boost for the attacker
  • 3 Goods
  • 1 Forge Point

Important tip -
As this is a chain building, it will need to be connected to the Great Elephant to receive certain bonuses.Guild Rewards
When a battleground ends, guilds may obtain various rewards which depend on placement:

  • Prestige according to current league and placement
  • Guild Power according to placement within a battleground
  • Fragments of the Great Elephant

Personal Rewards
The rewards won on Waterfall Archipelago will differ from the Volcano Archipelago, however there is also a chance to win Forge Points, Supplies, Military Units, Goods, as well as boosts!

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Guild Battlegrounds: What Rewards Can I Win? (2024)


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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.